*Looking to Network with professionals in your field? want to learn how to navigate finding a job with the COVID-19 Situation? or looking to find a professional mentor? Say no more, The Center for Career and Professional Advancement will be hosting a workshop!
*PLEASE NOTE! This is an Outside Workshop, Therefore you must Submit the outside workshop web form or a Professional Development form if you wish to receive Professional Development Credit.
Outside Workshop Webform: https://fiatlux.ucmerced.edu/form/outside-workshop-webform
Professional Development Webform: https://fiatlux.ucmerced.edu/form/professional-development-summary
Zoom Meeting Link:https://ucmerced.zoom.us/j/92343629778?pwd=KzllbndRS1k2dFVJcUtGYS9iTVJzUT09
Check out the Employers on HandShake: https://ucmerced.joinhandshake.com/events/489228